Opt In/Opt Out CO

As a trusted provider of health information exchange services in Colorado, Contexture offers many benefits to patients, but your participation is voluntary — you get to choose whether you want your information included.

If your care providers are participating in health information exchange in Colorado, they are required to notify you of their participation. When you visit a participating provider you will receive a notice, which may accompany the provider’s HIPAA privacy notification.

You can decide whether your health information is shared through Contexture’s HIE in Colorado. You can choose not to share your health information – this is called “opting out.” By making this choice, your health information will not be accessible to providers who use our HIE tools.

Choosing to “opt out”

If you visit a doctor’s office, hospital or clinic that is participating in the HIE and do not want your health information included, simply tell the doctor or other healthcare provider and sign an “opt out” form. We encourage you to first talk to your doctor about this decision or to review our FAQs about health information exchange.

By opting out of the Contexture HIE, emergency department doctors and other care providers may not have access to your complete medical information that could save your life in some situations.

You can also “opt out” directly with Contexture:

Print this Contexture Health Information Exchange Opt-Out Form: English PDF or Spanish PDF

Fill out the form completely and have a notary public verify your information and sign it. This is required for your protection and to verify identity.

If you are acting as a guardian or authorized representative for a patient over the age of 18, we require documentation of this relationship to be submitted Contexture along with the notarized form. If you have questions about this documentation, please contact us.

Mail the original form to:

Attn.: Service Desk – Colorado HIE Request

2000 S. Colorado Blvd.,
Tower 1, Ste. 12000
Denver, CO 80222

Note: Contexture’s HIE in Colorado was formerly named CORHIO. While some forms may reflect the previous name due to legal requirements, they are still valid and applicable to all providers participating in the Contexture HIE.

Choosing to “opt in”

If you have previously opted out, you may opt back in at any time. If you visit a doctor’s office, hospital or clinic that is participating in the HIE, tell the doctor or other healthcare provider and sign an “opt-in” form.

Alternatively, can also “opt in” directly with Contexure:

Print this Contexture Health Information Exchange Opt-In Form: English PDF or Spanish PDF

Fill out the form completely and have a notary public verify your information and sign it. This is required for your protection and to verify identity.

If you are acting as a guardian or authorized representative for a patient over the age of 18, we require documentation of this relationship to be submitted Contexture along with the notarized form. If you have questions about this documentation, please contact us.

Mail the original form to:

Attn.: Service Desk – Colorado HIE Request

2000 S. Colorado Blvd.,
Tower 1, Ste. 12000
Denver, CO 80222

Note: Contexture’s HIE in Colorado was formerly named CORHIO. While some forms may reflect the previous name due to legal requirements, they are still valid and applicable to all providers participating in the Contexture HIE.