HIE Onboarding – Arizona

These resources are to assist organizations that recently signed contracts to join the Contexture health information exchange in Arizona.

Note: The Arizona HIE was formerly named Health Current. While some onboarding documents may reflect the previous name due to legal requirements, they are still valid and applicable to all Arizona HIE participants.

General Onboarding

The following resources include required and recommended training and forms applicable to all new Arizona HIE participants.

HIE Navigation & Features

All Arizona HIE participants must complete this required training, an introduction to the basic features of the HIE and how to navigate HIE 3.0, the Arizona HIE portal. This required training consists of watching a brief video. Your designated HIE account manager will be notified when you begin this training.

Security Best Practices and Appropriate Uses

We require all Arizona participants to complete training on best practices in HIE security. This required training consists of watching a brief video. Your designated HIE account manager will be notified when you begin this training.

Part 2 Patient Data

We require all Arizona participants to complete training on best practices in handling Part 2 patient data. This required training consists of watching a brief video. Your designated HIE account manager will be notified when you begin this training.

Patient Rights Process

While not required, the Patient Rights Process video can assist healthcare providers in setting up their patient notification process and provide education about patient rights under state and federal law.

HIE Appropriate Use Agreement

As an HIE participant, all users must review and agree to the HIE Appropriate Use Agreement. Additionally, participant users are required to sign the form and file the form in their employment records. If you have any questions, please contact your designated HIE account manager.

Portal Access Request

All HIE participants must complete the Portal Access Request form. If you have any questions, please contact your designated HIE account manager.

Patient Notification Process

The Patient Notification Process is a simple and basic part of providing patient rights regarding HIE under state and federal law. The Patient Rights Process below provides instructions, FAQs and pre-fillable forms to assist healthcare providers in setting up the Patient Notification Process. In addition to the forms and education materials, Contexture provides hands-on assistance to providers to integrate an efficient and effective Patient Rights Notification Process into their operations and daily workflow.

Patient Rights Forms

A provider can download the following Patient Rights Forms. Each form is provided in a generic or pre-fillable format to allow a provider or organization the ability to insert their contact information in the Provider Only section of the forms in addition to adding their logo or office address at the top of the form.

Patient Education Materials

This is a supplement to the Notice of Health Information Practices for patients with lower literacy level. Each form is provided in a generic or pre-fillable format to allow a provider or organization the ability to insert their logo or office address at the top.

Additional Resources

HIE Participant Policy Manual

The handbook is a helpful resource for our HIE participants and includes information on privacy and security, using the HIE appropriately, opt in/opt out procedures, security protocols and more.

NEW 2026 HIE Participant Policy Manual

Contexture is migrating all HIE participants to a new platform in 2025. This NEW HIE Participant Policy Manual will become effective as participants go live on the new platform and will fully replace all legacy manuals on January 1, 2026.  

For assistance with any of these documents, contact your designated HIE account manager or contact us.